WHERE IS THE HEAVEN? by mwl Godoni Yohana.
POEM NO 5 PART ONE. Heaven, brethren Where is the heaven? In America Europe Or Africa!! Where is the heaven? On Earth In Jupiter Or On mars!! Where is the heaven? Heaven Hanging like a bat Or Under the Earth lying flat!! Where is the heaven? Heaven In the sky, Like stars Or Nowhere Like nothing!! Where is the heaven? Heaven In Israel-where Jesus..... Or Egypt where Israelites.... Or In Mecca where Muhammad.... Where is the heaven? PART TWO. Does the 😈 devil know Where the heaven is Or Has the devil forgotten cause tis long time since... Or can the devil show us the way to? "I am the way,the truth and the life.." Can the kingdom of God deafen me Deafen me with soothening tune Tune Sung by wonderful Angels? Where is the heaven? Can the kingdom of God kill me Kill me with unknown but amazing flavours Where bee 🍯 honey has to attend 🏫 school And where sexual intercourse has to bow down!! Where is the heaven? Will the he...